Padmasambhava Thangka Rainbow GuruHand painted with gold
Rainbow Body Thangka 47 x 64 cm picture size, 75x134cm with brocade frame
“The Rainbow Body is connected with the 5th Kaya or Body Mahasukhaprajnakaya. The 5th Kaya is just the Rainbow Body. Because he is in Mahasukha , a state of great bliss of liberation, he can enjoy the human body transformed into the highest physical form, the rainbow. Full enlightenment,the highest wisdom is experienced as the clear Light. Vidya, knowledge, is light and avidya, ignorance, is no light. The form and color of the rainbow reflected in the no-cloud blue sky is the physical aspect and the light is the wisdom. The physical flesh body is transformed into the form and color of a Rainbow Body while its light is the wisdom Mahasukha prajna. As there is form, so he can embrace all the dakinis and get the physical pleasure while at the same time still have the profound wisdom of non-egoism and of emptiness. Physically, because he is a rainbow, there is no death. Because there is no death, there is no end of salvation; because there is no end of salvation, he can carry on his Great Compassion without end. So anywhere, any direction, any person on any occasion, can connect with Padmasambhava and get inspiration from him. YOGI CM CHEN